Upholding Political Promises for the 2024 Elections in North Sulawesi Through the Voice of Democracy Channel
Various political promises on the political stage in Indonesia have always been in the spotlight leading up to the General Elections (Pemilu). The question is, do these promises truly materialize or are they merely rhetoric to seize seats of power? By Ronny Buol
Harga Mahal Pemilu Murah
Mata Nurhalifah, warga di kawasan Gundih, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, seakan menerawang jauh ke belakang ketika ditanya soal almarhum ayahnya, Syaiful Arief yang meninggal saat menjalankan tugas sebagai petugas Kelompok Penyelenggara Pemungutan Suara (KPPS). Dia dan sang ayah memang tak begitu akrab, tapi ketika tahu Syaiful meninggal, penyesalan yang tersisa di benaknya adalah : “Andai saya tahu kemarin [bakal kelelahan begini], sudah saya larang lebih keras.”
High Cost, Low Price for Elections
Nurhalifah, a resident of Gundih, Surabaya, East Java, seemed to gaze far into the past when asked about her late father, Syaiful Arief, who died while performing his duties as a Polling Station Working Group (KPPS) officer. By Felix
Ballad of Simultaneous Elections, Those Left Behind
Arnoldus Janssen Joemantoro was only 16 years old when he became an orphan. His father, Tommy Heru Siswantoro, died after serving as a member of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) at TPS 19 in Pacarkeling Village in 2019. Just two years later, Duta's mother, Maria Magdalena, lost her life in an accident. The 2019 elections marked the new beginning of Duta's life. By Felix
Ethical Violations of Candidates Dominate 2019 Elections in Bengkulu
In the 2019 elections, four provinces recorded the highest number of violations, according to the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). The province with the most violations is East Java with 10,006 cases, followed by South Sulawesi with 806 cases. The next ones are West Java with 582 findings and Central Sulawesi with 554 findings. By: Betty Herlina
Scrutinizing Parties’ Commitment to Engage Women in 2024 Elections
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has released a list of prospective candidates who will register to participate in the 2024 elections. In the list, all political parties have fulfilled the minimum 30 percent representation quota for women candidates as required in the Election Law Article 246 paragraph (2).
Women Face Tough Path to Become Legislators
The efforts to fulfil the 30 percent quota of women's representation in the parliament have become increasingly difficult since the General Elections Commission (KPU) issued regulation Number 10 of 2023 concerning the Nomination of Members of the House of Representatives, Provincial Legislative Council, and Regency / City Legislative Council.
Pushing for Higher Female Voter Turnout and Representation in Politics
Women's participation in the election and women's representation in politics are two important aspects of building an inclusive democracy and strengthening gender equality. Unfortunately, in the context Indonesian politics, women's representation remains a challenge.
Women: High Voter Turnout but Low Representation in Politics
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has finalized the permanent voter lists for the 2024 elections, where the number of voters reaches more than 204.8 million people, consisting of 203,056,748 voters in Indonesia and 1,750,475 voters abroad.
Measuring Parties’ Commitment to Engage Women in 2024 Elections
The General Elections Commission (KPU) has released a list of prospective candidates who will register to participate in the 2024 elections. In the list, all political parties have fulfilled the minimum 30 percent representation quota for women candidates as required in the Election Law Article 246 paragraph (2).